Whats happening to the great barrier reef now?

Like i said before, coral reefs are on of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on this earth. Coral reefs are also home to as many as one quarter of the world’s marine species. Coral Reefs are important to us, because they provide us with many jobs, like fishing or tourism. Coral Reefs also help by protecting their coast lines from storms. Even though coral reefs are one of the most beautiful ecosystems, they are also one of the most delicate. The slightest touch from divers or surfers can significantly damage the delicate coral polyps. They are very susceptible to human impact, from fishing to boat anchors dropping on it. We learned before that coral gets a lot of its energy from sunlight, and now one of the main things that it blocking the sunlight of theirs is pollution. Water is becoming more polluted all over the world, and is effecting the coral reefs to an extreme amount. Humans are one of the main things that effect the coral reefs, but it is every harder for reefs to recover after an natural disaster, like hurricanes or earthquakes. Do you think there is anything we can do to help the coral reefs?